Hello ijebuman, I read your posting with appreciation for your apt prognosis of what could be the aftermath of a moribund Nigeria. I agree with all you have opined without any iota of doubt. But my staunch and unflinching position is that the time is ripe for the yorubas to determine their political and economic lives without unceremonious interference from regions hitherto constituting Nigeria. Nigeria is a failed contraption foisted upon the yoruba nation by the british intruders who supervened our traditional ways of life and left us inimically stuck to an unholy union called nigeria. But without repeating your analysis of the nigerian anatomy, I would like to substantiate my clamour for a yoruba nation . The continued existence of the yorubas in the unholy nigerian union keeps thwarting the yoruba nation into stymied situations rather than do them any good. It's really bemusing that we cant use our resources both human and mineral to improve our lives except with the approval o...